Wednesday, April 7, 2010


12:45ish a.m., tired as hell, but I DON'T wanna sleep. *puts on stubborn face*

I'm a very violent sleeper, I bruised my ribs in my sleep last night. And I still have bruises from 4 nights ago >< Yippie! Not. I can't hardly breathe from the bruises on my ribs, sooo, I probably pulled a few muscles *giant sigh* Owwie T~T Ha Ha Ha.

I'm also sunburnt. Thank you for being near 90 degrees outside already. I hate you NC. Grrroar. >:

Oh yeah, go here, tis an awesome site, very funny too, and you learn things :D [all be it things you'll probably NEVER use in your life.....but you'll feel a little bit smarter after reading]

I've nearly got Jonathon convinced to let me get all the tattoo's I want [when I come of age so I don't need a parent to sign off on it.]

I want a butterfly [black and red or purple or blue, I don't know which color besides black yet]
And I want a barcode tattoo :D Just cause they look cool.
And a barbed wire tattoo.
But, if I can only have one, it'd be the kick ass butterfly.
I'm not allowed to get branded, and that's what I wanted the most ;-; But, I can get my ears pierced again ^^ Just not my lip, nose, or eyebrow aha >< Grrr.

Okay, random post is random, I WILL post at least one picture up tomorrow. [I hope.....if not...well, I'm truly sorry.]

Off to bed! a little bit....maybe....dum dum dummmm!


  1. Haha, I know how being a violent sleeper can be.

    You better post a pic today or else I'll . . . do something! (Very dramatic there eh?)

    Oh and you got some awesome music up there. I've never really listened to it before but it ROCKS.

  2. Haha, it sucks, don't it?

    Please....have mercy! I've been working all day so I couldn't draw anything T~T

    Haha, thank you ^^
