Sunday, April 18, 2010


Yay! There finally up, the scanner took it's sweet ass time....but there finally here :D A maned wolf and a carousel horse ^-^ Enjoy.



  1. Damn, that horse looks extreamly realistic!!! That is so impressive.

    And the maned wolf looks like a sled dog, I mean it looks like a wolf that pulls a sled (the red harness like straps you drew on)

    In any case, no one is happier than I that you FINALLY (insert dramatic sigh here)put some artwork up. XD

  2. Awh, thank youu :)

    Haha, I know, I was bored and added the straps, when I was done I looked and thought it looked like an over sized fox >< *fails*

    Aha, sorry for the long wait...x3 Hopefully some more will be up sooner than before :3

  3. It wasn't until yesterday that i realised i don't read your blog..i must apologise so much!! So finally here i am, following your blog! And a fellow artist i must add! Hmmm perhaps i should put some artwork up on my own blog...although they are not nearly as good as yours! Well done! I love the horse, very nice =)

  4. Haha, it's okay dear ^^ Thank you sososo much for following :D You've made my day *hugs* Really? Awesome, you should, I bet yours are better than mine, aha, I fail. :p Hehe thank you so much =]
