Saturday, April 24, 2010

Being grounded sucks.

Yeah, I was grounded for a few days [it would've been longer...but I'm good at convincing >:)] So, I had my phone, computer, tablet, and any pencils my mom could find taken >< Ugh.

So I haven't drawn anything...sorry.

OH, please, tell me if this is fare: Jonathon and I were just hugging, not even really close like we normally do, and we got written up. An hour before school even started. We now have an hour and a half of ASD on Monday. Fuck. I hate our principal. Asshole. [sorry for all the swearing. ]

ON A LIGHTER NOTE! Next Saturday is the Wicked trip :D I can't wait.

I'm loosing a lottt of weight lately. ._." It's not healthy, I know...oh well.

Nothin' else to say,

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I've been doodling fennec foxes a LOT lately, with horrible anatomy might I add. Once I make a decent looking one I'll post it. I would've had one already but I had to do a spanish project...that was due Monday >< And, not being racist at ALL here, but, white people, such as mehself, shouldn't speak spanish. Because we fail. And then our spanish speaking friends make fun of our horrible grammar and the way we pronounce words the 'white' way. :< ANYWAY! I'm almost through with the hell that is drivers ed. THANK JERKY! :3 Although I'll have to take the finally exam....cause I fail. Oh well :|

Doomy doomy doom >:3

Peace. Out. [yay Dark Angel quotes <3]

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Yay! There finally up, the scanner took it's sweet ass time....but there finally here :D A maned wolf and a carousel horse ^-^ Enjoy.


Friday, April 9, 2010


IF my scanner decides to cooperate, there will be a new drawing up tonight [!] *victory pose*

I love carousel horses...but they always look so angry and wild....maybe they just wanna that's what the drawing is about ^^ A freed carousel horse....yay?

Cheesy...I know. BUT I'm very pleased with the result, I kinda wanna put a background up....but i don't wanna mess up the awesome horse [even though it's like only the 3rd horse I've ever drawn]

And to try and make it look right...I studied horse anatomy for like an hour before starting ha ha ha....but yeah. If the scanner decides to work that picture will be up tonight ^^

Neigh :3

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


12:45ish a.m., tired as hell, but I DON'T wanna sleep. *puts on stubborn face*

I'm a very violent sleeper, I bruised my ribs in my sleep last night. And I still have bruises from 4 nights ago >< Yippie! Not. I can't hardly breathe from the bruises on my ribs, sooo, I probably pulled a few muscles *giant sigh* Owwie T~T Ha Ha Ha.

I'm also sunburnt. Thank you for being near 90 degrees outside already. I hate you NC. Grrroar. >:

Oh yeah, go here, tis an awesome site, very funny too, and you learn things :D [all be it things you'll probably NEVER use in your life.....but you'll feel a little bit smarter after reading]

I've nearly got Jonathon convinced to let me get all the tattoo's I want [when I come of age so I don't need a parent to sign off on it.]

I want a butterfly [black and red or purple or blue, I don't know which color besides black yet]
And I want a barcode tattoo :D Just cause they look cool.
And a barbed wire tattoo.
But, if I can only have one, it'd be the kick ass butterfly.
I'm not allowed to get branded, and that's what I wanted the most ;-; But, I can get my ears pierced again ^^ Just not my lip, nose, or eyebrow aha >< Grrr.

Okay, random post is random, I WILL post at least one picture up tomorrow. [I hope.....if not...well, I'm truly sorry.]

Off to bed! a little bit....maybe....dum dum dummmm!


Haha, I posted a post on my other blog last night on accident x3

I have sunburn, it sucks.

And now mom is making me go through all my things, I'm getting rid of a lot of it too. Yay ^^ Most of my clothes no longer fit because: a) there to big D; or b) there too little [I suppose after having a shirt for 5+ may not fit anymore ha ha ha]

I'm starting to get bored of spring break aha ^^"

Anywho, back to sorting out this mess of mine ><

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hmm..lets see...

It's 1am, I promised Jonathon I'd attempt to sleep by now. But I'm wide-a-fucking-wake. Brilliant. :S I cannot sleep. I haven't been able to for days, and then when I do finally go to the evil land of sleep, I waste most of the day there.

And I have work I have to do during the day.

This really sucks.

I keep listening to the same songs. Over and over and overandoverandover again. They. Are. Annoying. But I can't stop listening to them.


I don't know when Imma sleep.

But it has to be before 3.

Or else he gets mad ._.

I don't like him mad.

It's scary.

Like when I drink a monster...or amp.

That's incredibly scary for those of you who don't know.

I'm loosing my Yankee accent. D;

I liked my accent.

It made me specialer.

I miss it.

Woowww, this is a random post.

I've had a thorn stuck in my foot for 3 days now. It's starting to get infected. It hurts. But now I have an awesome Spongebob bandaid on it :D I like Spongebob, he's awesomely awesome ha ha ha.

1:10am, greeeeeeeeeat. :<

My back hurts. ><

Wait, I cracked felt good....but now my backs hurting worse D:
I can't win.

Okay, I'm gonna find something else to do besides waste your brains away.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Here comes Petter Cottontail...

Happy Easter all ^-^ [even though I don't celebrate it like I suppose others do...I'm just in it for the giant meal at supper :3]

I found an awesome song that I would sososo dance to under the full moon....if I could download it to my ipod..if I had the wires...I soooo would.

Here are the lyrics:

Close your eyes little girl
You're a princess now
You own this world
Twirling in your twirly dress
You're the loveliest far above the rest
You build your castles in the skies
Stars reflecting off your eyes
And angels sing on silver clouds
And no one cries screams or shouts'

Ooohh set apart this dream
Set apart this dream for me
Set apart this dream
For me

Close your eyes pretty girl cause its easier when you brace yourself
Set your thoughts on a world far off
Where we only cry from joy

Ooohh set apart this dream
Set apart this dream for me
Set apart this dream
For me

Oh lovely and beautiful
Precious and priceless
You're so much more than you know
Heart of the purest gold
Pure clean and white as snow
Clothed in such splendor
Oh what a beauty for me.

Set apart this dream
Set apart this dream

Ooohh set apart this dream (set apart this dream)
Set apart this dream(set apart this dream for me)
Set apart this dream for me

And the link to this pretty song: Flyleaf-Set Apart This Dream

Oh, I saved a dogs life today, I'm very proud of myself ^^
The dog is the dog my little sister and I are pup-sitting for most of spring break. [I'm the only one watching her though ><]

My headache pills [which I'm still taking cause they have caffeine in them] also double as diet pills [which explains why I'm losing weight I don't really need to lose.]

I want to go to the library. I want to read the book: The Art of Chasing Rain. I've read a little bit of it in stores [I go to stores like Walmart and Target with my family just so I can hide in the aisles and read random books, so far I've read most of Loose Girl, it's a pretty good book if I do say so myself. Aha I'm a geek, I know '-']

I need I can have an hour without such a bad headache. Ahhhh

*hugs* Racheal

Friday, April 2, 2010

Special wolf and headache research

First off, here's a picture, just finished:

And secondly: I found this website, I think this is what I have. Chronic Tension Headaches, how lovely. Now knowing that they can last upwards of 90 days near non stop is wonderful. And some of the only medicines that can help them are: antidepressants, anti seizure, and muscle relaxants. :\ I'm NOT taking any of those. I'll stick to my barely working, no sleep allowed, no food allowed migraine medicine thank you very much.

Anyways, I'm out.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

So far...

...this is what I am, accourding to other people: I'm a dinosaur [a Rachealsourus to be exact.]
A bunny [cause I like eating lettuce]
A deer [cause I seriously just ate four ears of corn.] [And Jonathon, being a smartass, said: I wouldn't kill you! (he's a fuzzy killer ._.) ...Unless... :Me: Unless what?? :Him: Unless I really want the meat. :Me: D;]
And I'm a dog [cause I bite...a lot. Whenever Gabe hugs me, Jonathon makes a 'muzzle' so I don't bite Gabe X3]

Mwahaha....I'm evil...sometimes. Teehee.

I started listening to Otep again, I'd forgotten how awesome the music was. ><

I still need to find some 'school appropriate' music to use in my spanish project...sooo I have to listen to 10 c.d's to find a song that I can use...and that I like enough. Or, I could just go and download some music from the wonderful interwebs.

The NEEDS to be cut, but it's been too wet to cut it. :\ It's annoying me a a's getting hard to run around and not twist my ankles. Aha....yeah.


Anyway, random post.