Saturday, March 13, 2010

I'm sorry about this.

[Sorry for all swear words about to be said, but I need to vent, badly.]

If it wasn't for the damned law some fucking people would have their damned heads smeared along the roads. Damned people beating innocent animals. God damned! Poor dog came to me, scared as hell, cause her owners fuckin' beat her all the damned time. She needed her paw taken off cause a fox [or feral dog] mangled it, and what do those good for nothing owners do? They fuckin' wait MONTHS [!!!] till they do anything and then she has her whole front leg off. Fuck! They don't feed the poor dog nearly enough, I feed her when she comes over, and when I sit down to watch her, she climbs into my lap and she looks as if I'm about to beat her like those fuckers that call themselves human.

Okay, I'm done, I think, sorry if that didn't make ANY sence what so ever. :\ Damn it just pissed me off so badly I was crying. I hate crying, I HATE people like the ones mentioned in this post. No,
I don't hate them, hate isn't a strong enough word....despise? I still don't think that's a good enough word.


  1. I'm glad you're there to at least feed the dog.

    I had something like that happened where I used to live. They abused this poor beagle like dog so one day when they weren't home I snuck onto their property and stole the dog and took it down the the shelter (no kill shelter) and gave it too them, paying the fee and everything, and told them that the dogs previous owner had abused it and abondanded it. That way the owners could never get it back because if they said they were the previous owner the shelter wouldn't give them the dog. Three weeks later the dog got adopted into a family with three kids. I was so happy.

  2. Yeah but I'm not allowed to have anything to do with the dog anymore :(

    Yay I'm glad that dog has a good home now :) I reeeeaaaallllllllyyyyyyy hate people that do that kinda stuff to animals.

  3. Why aren't you allowed to have anything to do with the dog anymore?

  4. Cause if she leaves her house she'll get beaten and I don't want her hurting so my mom told me I can't have anything to do with her. :( *sigh*

  5. this is so damn depressing, i hate hearing about people (are they even human?) who do this

  6. Yeah, I know it is :( No, I don't think that they're human, I don't know what they are though :\ I hate them soooo much >:|
