Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Festival. :]

Festival tomorrow :] Then going to Denny's with the band mwahaha, not to mention that I get out of a world history test :D I have to be at school at 7:45 [I get there at 7:15 though...usually] I leave at 8, two hours later and really close to the coast is where the band preforms [: Then we get back around 4 [after stopping for some lunch at 2 bwahaha] thennnn off to Denny's. Yay for fun days :)

Oh, for anyone willing to answer, is it okay to have headaches EVERY day? ._. For a couple months straight? Cause I'm starting to wonder aha....uhmm yeah.

Haven't had time for much drawing except for a few sketches which I'm not allowed to post online because they belong to other people and I really don't wanna get in trouble. Hah...

Song[s] I'm obsessed with at the moment (this is only to take up space cause I don't want a short post for some reason.) : This could be anywhere (alexisonfire [is it alexis on fire or alex is on fire??]) Nothing good has happened yet (We are the ocean) Pet (A perfect circle) aaaand Me against the world (simple plan)

Yay for space-taker-uperers :D

Uhmm...Im'ma go and try to get rid of the second headache today :\


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