Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Teehee, I've had a really good I drew this:

Yes, no background, it's not even finished yet :/ haha...sideboob of dooooom! X3

Band practice was today, were awesome. :] Yeah, I brag. Hell to the yeah.

I've been hyper all day....without any sugar....its weird, but I like it ^^

Hahahaha, Jonathon poked my nose this morning, apparently I made this face: :O Haha, yay for hyperness randomness!

We started signing up for next years classes, and I have a question: Biology...or Animal Science? Now, I want to take both, and I could, but I only want to take one science class a year, just like math and english, but, in animal science they show a video of animals being slaughtered, and in biology were probably going to dissect cats....either way Ima loose. Aha. So yeah, whats your opinion people??

Now to try and sleep, Ive got a retest tomorrow in history ><

><> FISHY!



  1. I LOVE that drawing! (Though she would be cuter with a bushier tail XD ) I can't wait to see the finished picture!

    Animal Science. You could look away when they are showing animal vids but you get graded for hacking up frogs in Biology.

  2. Haha thanks Robert ^-^ Hmmm, yeah I agree, she'd look cuter haha. I'm working [slowly] on it, so it may be a while before it's totally done aha ^^"

    Thank you soooo much Robert [: Oh, I asked my mom, she said I could play hookie the day they show the video :D Yeahh, I'm to soft hearted to hack up poor little frogs ]: I feel bad for the little guys/girls aha
