Sunday, April 17, 2011

I haven't died...yet.

So, I'm now in NY. But I'll be moving again, we bought a house and were starting to put our tons and tons of shit in it. Can anyone say: giant yard saaaaaaale? :D
I'm pretty much screwed for two of my exams, but I'll have another year to make up for what I didn't learn here before I have to take it. Stupid regents. :|
The refrigerator broke on Friday. So the freezer full of meat, the fridge full of milk/cream/eggs...yeah, it stinks to high hell. And guess who gets to help clean it? D:
Oh, I've started cutting out all meat from my diet, second go round at being a veggie! I blame my bio teacher for nearly making me cut up a frog. I didn't have to, I just had to do the lab packet and write a paper as to why I wouldn't. Simple. >:D
Hm. My cousin gave me a job, I'll be designing signs for businesses/amusement parks, and possibly wraps for trucks/cars. I'm excited.
Hey...on Wednesday me and my boyfriend will have been together for 1 1/2 years. D'aw.
The boyfriend and my band went to Florida, he got me a giant orange gummy bear :D nomnomnom...even though I don't have it yet, he's still on the bus back up to NC.
Speaking of NC, right by my beloved home got smashed by tornadoes. D': So far I don't think anyone's hurt...but I'm learning of all this through the internet (facebook) >.>
This is a very random post, and I think I should apologize for not updating more often...and I bet everyone that reads this (what is it, 3 people?) thinks I'm dead! :D Or thought, since...I posted this. But anyway.
Okay, post is over!

Oh, I really need to work on my grammar on these posts. :|

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