Saturday, December 19, 2009


Okay then, sorry for lack of posting, I've been busy -." so, a little info on the drawings, the first one, two wolves walking, was done on the way to the hospital, which was three hours away to see Nick, he's home now, I'm soo happy. The drawing would have had more detail, except for the fact that the roads were full of pot holes, boo. The second one, the werewolf, was done in classes, how a giant sketch book, 11'' by 14'', wasn't seen beats me. And the last one, it's just something I drew in class yesterday, a winged wolf with feathers ^_^ who is apparently standing on its own
Some random things since I haven't posted in forever (!) hmm, the semesters almost over, so it's cram time D: I already know most of the stuff but since I was out of school most of the week I'm lost -.- I pretty much had the flu and strep at the same time. Not fun. Nick was in the hospital for the week to try and figure out what was making him tick, as I said earlier, he's home now, yays :D I had a band concert last week, it was soo long! (sarcasm) Jessica timed it, it lasted a whole ten minutes. Woo hoo. NC was supposed to get some never snowed, but it did hail a little bit, hail hurts. Burning stuff at lunch is sooo much fun, until your the one people are trying to set on fire. Aha. I'm so ready fro christmas break, even though I'm not a fan of christmas, go figure.
Well, I'll post again when I can, things aren't quite so hectic around here, yay ^-^
Bye! X3

1 comment:

  1. Okay so I just spent the last ten minuets trying to decide which drawing I like the best.

    I thought long and hard about it and I've decided that while I love the first one because it makes me smile and want to write a funny romance story (If I do I'll give you credit for inspiring me) and the third one because I love the concept of winged wolves I'm going to say my favorite is the second one of the werewolf because. It is the most detailed and in my opinion the most realistic and accurate to what a werewolf would look like.

    Now that I've wasted like 20 minuets of my life to decide, and then tell you what I decided I'm going to go start a new post for my block. Peace.
